Friday, September 15, 2017

Benefits in Hadith ||| Do your parents' care

Hazrat Mohammad said to Omar (R) one day, Omar will come in a Hajj when a servant comes, his name will be Wise, his family will be, and the tribe will be black and his white color will be in the circle. When he comes, ask Allah for his blessings, O Ali, you too, Omar also, and know that even if the earth is filled by people like Wise, Omar and Ali will not be able to equate one hair.

But the main purpose of this message was to send a message to everyone. 
Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali began to wonder that we were told to seek blessings from Allah through the voice! Whereas we are the Companions and the Voice. Mohammed said that Wais is doing his job in such a way that when he grows in the hands of Allah, Allah can not accept his prayer / he accepts it.
The main point of this message was that,
Bow down to your parents, serve them.

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