Monday, September 18, 2017

Hadith On Salat ||| Belief

Hadith On Salat
There is a way to get the benefit of divine justice directly from Allah, and fulfill the commandments of Allah in the dialects of the Messenger of Allah . Among them, 
the most important and basic work is the Prayer(Salat).


Ibn Umar (Raji.)
Narrated -Allah's Messenger  said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah, and perform as-Salat [perform as-Salat(prayers)] and give zakat (obligatory charity) so if they perform all that, then they save their lives and properties from me except for Islamic laws, and their reckoning (accounts) will be with (done by) Allah."

Sahih al-Bukhari/Chapter No: 2, Belief/Hadith no: 25/Relevance: 13.767

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