Friday, September 22, 2017

Islamic Book ||| Islamic Activity Book For Kids

Islamic Activity Book For Kids 

Vol 2

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem 

It gives me great pleasure to write a few words regarding the latest addition of the Islamic Activity Book. Allah says in the Quraan "We sent every messenger with the language of his people so that he may explain to them (in clear manner)" Therefore, the language of explanation should be one which is clear and easy to understand. The Islamic books that are intended for children and available in bookshops, are either too heavy for children's age or they are unable to fulfill the need of today's children. Islamic Activity Book is interesting, informative, character building and a very helpful tool in nurturing our young ones to be better Muslims. It is my humble and sincere dua that Allah accept the hard work put into its preparation by the authors, make the book a source of guidance for our offspring, reward the writers and grant them the ability to expand their work and present the much needed interesting presentation to oncoming generations. Ameen 

(Sheikh) Abdul Rahim 
 Senior lecturer of Hadith 
Darul uloom Bury

May Allah accept all the efforts made by brothers and sisters, across the World, who contributed to compiling and publishing this book. May Allah elevate the rank and knowledge of all the parents, teachers and children who take benefit from this book. Ameen

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