Friday, October 6, 2017

An Important Letter ||| Hazrat Mau. Md. Yusuf Khandhlavi (Rah.) ||| Ladies Work of Dawah (Masturat Jamaat)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All praises to Allah the Sustainer of the worlds, and grace, honour and salutations on the Chief of Apostles and Seal of Prophets, Our beloved Hazrat Muhammad , his family, companions and those who followed him in an excellent fashion and invited mankind towards Allah, till the Day of Resurrection. PARADISE FOR ALL MANKIND.This was the Motto of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad . He even cried at the death of a Jew. We are his ummati Our concern should be same. To start simultaneously from ourself, family,locality,country to whole mankind till the day of Judgment. Dawah is very effective tool for our correction also.Our success for life here and Hereafter THE LIFE AFTER DEATH is in obeying commands of Allah and following Path of Hazrat Muhammad 

Below is part an important letter written by Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Yusuf (Rah.) to a jamat which was going to Makkah for umrah and there from it had an intention to visit various countries, so that they could work according to these instructions and lay a proper foundation of the effort (of dawah there). 

Ladies Work of Dawah (Masturat Jamaat) 

Masturat (women) work is even more delicate when there is a
possibility of openness (unveiling) and mixing. Women must never be brought into usual gatherings. Women should gather in a near-by house where women use veils, once a week, and do their ta'leem. It should being by this way. Men should inform their own women everything they heard, in ijtema, dawah and ta'lem etc. This will inshaAllah begin to influence women's thinking in a short time.
Occasionally three days jamat should be sent in a near-by locality.
In masturat jamat women must be accompanied by their husband
or any other sharia (Mahram) relatives. Women must go in full veil and stay in the house with veils. Men are to stay in a near-by masjid.

This journey of umrah can become a means for re-starting this work of dawah from the same place where the prophet S.A.W
started this work originally by encouraging people of those
localities to go in the path of Allah and re-start the international movements and efforts through those original routes. This is the best opportunity to mix with old workers from every
place and to maintain unity in this work and acquire details of rules
and etiquetes of this work. I was very pleased to learn that haji Hanif sahib and Brother Mohammed Idris sahib have prepared
themselves for umrah. May Allah accept it. Please to bring other
old workers with you.

This letter has become very lengthy in my attempt to right usol
(rules). If all brothers try to read attentively its every word and
section then there is hope of maximum benefits. You should keep
me informed of all your local conditions every 15 days, this will
make us very happy. Salaam to all brothers.

Muhammad Yusuf

Volume.2 (Version 1)
Edited By:Muhammad Abuzar

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