Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dawat Tabligh News ||| Mufti Najar Al Qasemi DB. in USA

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise is due to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), who sent messengers for the guidance of mankind.

Day of Resurrection and its horror

"Today, on the Day of Judgment, I have put you and the people of the past here today. If you have any strategy in front of my final decision, then it is a bad day for those who reject the truth." (Surah Mursalat: 7-8)
"Read the Book of the Book of your Book. Today you are enough to make your own calculations." (Surah Bani Israel)
"I will seal them today in their mouths; their hands will speak to me, their feet will testify to their deeds." (Surah Yasin-65)
On the Day of Resurrection, witness to the accused, his own limbs. All works were edited by this figure. Today, they will testify on the occasion, which is sufficient for the culprits to answer.
And every human being will come forward with a driving and a writness. "Every person will be present on that day and there will be one driver and one witness."
(F.I. Mamun.)

Mufti Najar Al Qasemi DB.
Lecture in Darul Uloom Michigan, USA.
Subject : Imaan & A'mal
Lecture Voice : Bangali

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