Monday, October 16, 2017

Hazrat Mulana Yaqub Sahaab's DB.Letter ||| Behind The Truth Markaz Nizamuddin

Letter for everyone doing the effort of tabligh.
The original signed Urdu letter is attac
hed for reference.

To the brothers engaged in the effort of deen, In Nizamuddin, I have spent more than 15 years with Maulana Yusuf R.A and almost 30 years after that with Maulana Inamul Hasan R.A. In this long duration of 50 years, Allah has blessed me with the mubarak company of these two elders and I got numerous opportunities to spend time with them during various khurooj and regular stays of Nizamuddin. Allah s.w.t has given me the opportunity to engage in this auspicious effort of deen under the guidance and supervision of these two elders.

Based on this continued involvement, I can state with utmost conviction that this effort has been de-tracked from the path on which those elders have established the effort of deen. Although, these two elders of ours were the unanimously accepted ameers, but they never claimed for the imarah, they never talked in an authoritative way. They never imposed their personal self-proclaimed view. They always abided by the mashwara.

Today, the situation is completely upside down. There is an assertion of self claimed imarah and whosoever does not accept it, is being forced to accept it through various tactics. As a result, there is such a chaos in Nizamuddin that it has led to verbal arguments, curses and even situations of brutal manhandling.

Nizamuddin, which was a place for the fikr of the ummah, a place for the self-rectification and preparation of the hereafter, from where everyone used to attain these qualities; the environment of that place has changed into back biting, suspicion and slandering. Continuous planning is going on to defame and downplay those who are trying to bring the effort on the right track (nahj). A notion is being propagated and people are being brainwashed that salvation is only in submission of (self-proclaimed) ameer (no matter what your actions are afterwards). If you do not submit, or have different opinion, you will not attain salvation, regardless of your level of sincerity and sacrifice.

The environment of self-rectification, preparation of hereafter and attainment of the fikr and concern of theummah has vanished from Nizamuddin. In lieu of that, an environment of self imposition, autocracy and desire for worldly benefit has been established. It is for this purpose that a system of large scale bayt has been established.

Although, the shura established during the time of Hazratji RA had unanimously decided and stopped from doing the bayt, the written proof of which is available having the signatures of the shura established during the time of Hazratji RA. New things, which were not present in the time of our elders, which are being propagated without themashwara are: First: Dawat-Taleem-Istiqbal; it is a new terminology, which was not present during the time of our elders. Although, its name has been changed now to tameer-e-masjid, but the concept is same, because of which the importance of the daily door to door effort and umoomi jaula has been diminished. Second:

Curtailing the effort in khawas and various tabqat (special segments) of the ummah, which was well established in time of the previous elders. Khawas and people from different tabaqat later used to join the efforts in their local masajids eventually. To curtail the tabaqati effort and to channelize the notion of tamer- emasjid, erroneous interpretations were deduced from Quran, Hadith and life of sahabah.

Third is Muntakhab Ahadith: Maulana Yusuf R.A has never even indicated, directly or indirectly, taleem from this book. It has been tried to bring the ijtimaee taleem of Muntakhab Ahadith by gradually replacing and vanishing the ijtimaee taleem of Fazail-e -Amaal and Fazail-e-Sadaqat. Fourth is five amaal of mastoorat. The brothers are being confused on a regular basis with such notion.

Whosoever doesn’t propagate them and in which ever place these notions are not followed are considered against the tarteeb of Nizamuddin. Although, all these new notions are introduced by only one individual, Moulvi Muhammad Saad sb. All the gatherings of Nizamuddin are being devoted for the propagation of these notions. Nizamuddin has been taken over by a new group of people who haven’t had the privilege of the company of our elders and they are daily confusing the mind-set of the brothers. They say that do not listen to the responsible brothers of your province/Halqa, as they are not propagating the current tarteeb of Nizamuddin. Even the Jamaats are given guidelines to propagate the new tarteebs.

That is the reason that the Hidayaat in Nizamuddin and the Ijtemas are decided only for those who explain these new notions. This has led to division of hearts in every place and two mind sets are being developed. The brothers who are new in the work think that their area elders are not following the tarteeb of Nizamuddin. The old workers are in the dilemma of how to publicize new tarteebs which are not even decided by Mashwara, but also through which the effort deviates from the foundation and getsdetracked from the correct path (nahaj).

Everywhere there is division, chaos and confusion. Fikr of hereafter, worry and concern of deen and ummah, self- rectification and the aspect of tarbiyah (upbringing) which were the soul of this effort are being vanished. Currently, Moulvi Saad sb. is being surrounded by such a group which never had the company (sohbah) of the elders.

For their personal benefit, this group appreciates every notion of Molvi Saad sb and keeps him in this misunderstanding that whatever he has understood the effort, no elders in the past or present have understood it. When Moulvi Saad sb explains these new notion, he says that I am explaining you these notions from Quran, Hadith and Seerah and want to bring the effort on Quran,Hadith and Seerah. Does it mean that whatever effort was deduced by our elders was not from Quran,Hadith and Seerah? Nowadays, the bayans are full of pointing fingers, criticism, downplaying, authoritative tone, deductions and new explanations, which are against the pattern of our elders. Everyday a new notion is introduced. Scholars (Ulema) and Mashaikh are astonished and worried that what is happening? If the same direction of the effort persists, the time is not too far when the scholars will be against this effort and the people having serious concern for ummah will be alienated from this effort.

In the month of November 2015, in the presence of all the old workers of the world, the shura established during the time of Hazratji RA was completed to safeguard the collectiveness (ijtimaiyat) and the nahaj of the work. I was present at that time, but I am surprised that why Moulvi Saad sb has denied to accept it and I couldn’t understand any valid reason for his denial. There is no Islamic institution, either educational or in any way related to Muslim community or any collective effort for the muslim ummah which will be functioning nor can be functional without the supervision, guidance and mentorship of shura. It is a very critical and dangerous situation to handover such a vast effort to a single individual to operate this benign effort according to his own will. No one in this world is free from the natural weakness and the ill effects of the nafs (). Most probably, it was due to this fact that Maualana Mohammad Ilyas Sb. R.A has stated that, “In the future, this effort will function under the supervision of a shura” (reference: “last letters Maulana Ilyas R.A” by Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi RA).

I am writing this letter due to the responsibility and the fear of reckoning from Allah. May Allah s.w.t give us taufeeq to do the effort on the pattern of our elders and save us from following the innovations in the effort. Ameen.


Banda Mohammad Yaqub 
August 28th, 2016
Makaz Nizamuddin

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