Saturday, October 28, 2017

Malfuzat Maulana Inamul Hasan Rah.

The Companions of the Messenger of Allah  are divided into two groups, either muhajir or ansar. The first situation is hijrah and the second condition is nusrah. "If it were not for the migration, I would have been ansar" 

Even today if the people are divided into two groups, one is migrating and another is the world, then religion will live all over the world. Think for the whole world and look for how human beings can be saved from hell.

1. The beginning and end of the human being is dust. Not only humans but everything from dust and will reunite with it. This is the essence of the world. This is the state of man that in a short period of time he is given property and beauty. But man forgets his beginning and turns his face from the last place, becoming anxious and arrogant in the present state.

2. What is taqwa? As a person walks through a darted bushes keeping himself and his clothes, such a person needs to live in the world. Taqwa preserves a person from unlawful things, unauthorized, useless and unprofitable. When taqwa dtg then many things are justified should be abandoned.

3. What is sincere? One job is the dakwah that we make. We will only do that work. We will not do any other work. But other religious efforts also run. Do not weigh on them. Also do not we criticize them. Do not look for their weaknesses.

4. We need to be grateful to God for having a religious relationship. 3 parts of gratitude: mentioning the tongue, feeling in the heart, limbs working to practice according to His demands. This is gratitude.

5. Regardless of how much a person makes a religious effort, it will not be worthy to be presented to the Divine will. That's why we need to ask for forgiveness. Allah  is sakur. He appreciates it. He does not let anything be in vain. We can not count the abundance of God's gift. We can not even imagine it.

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