Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Shqik Balkhi Rahmatullahi alaihi said that

"I have taken four hundred hadeeth from four thousand hadeeths. Again, four hundred hadeeth only four hadeeth have been selected."

The hadiths are:

(1) Do not interfere with women. He can be yours today, tomorrow. If you remain loyal to him, he will lead you to hell.

(2) Do not be addicted to wealth wealth, because this asset may have been lent to you today. Tomorrow may be given to another person.So do not be afraid to take advantage of others. These resources are the reason for your good fortune and a burden for you. If you put your heart into it, then it will put you away from the obedience of Allah. There will be fear of lack of you. You will obey the devil.

(3) Do not do that work when you go to work and obstacles in mind.The heart of the believer is the witness and the replacement of the Mufti. Fearful in suspicious acts. Becoming scared of the unlawful act and getting peace in the work of the halal.

(4) As long as no action is being taken to convince and conscience, then it will not act like that.

Tambahul Ghafelin / page-95-96

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