Monday, November 13, 2017

Listen! Moulana Sa'd, The Arrogant people ||| Allama Shah Ahmed Shafi Sahib (DB) ||| Dawat Tabligh News

Dawat Tabligh News Reporter: On 10 November, Hafazat-e-Islam Ameer Allama Shah Ahmed Shafi Db. went to meet some scholars from Kakrail Tabligh's Markaz. At this time, Allama Ahmad Shafi sahib presented his statement about Maulana Sa'd and the ongoing crisis.

On Sunday, Allama Ahmed Shafi sahib's Khadem, Maulana Hassan Anhar said on his Facebook page.

Allama Ahmad Shafi saib said, I am warning you about Moulana Sa'd. You asked me for Rohanuma, asking me about it, so I will say heikatan, not Shaykatan.

Listen! Moulana Sa'd, the arrogant people. He has a sense of belonging. We told him to come back from the Nizamuddin that his teachers had left, to bring them back. But he did not do it because of his arrogance.

Be aware, a arrogant person cannot be the Leader of the nation. The Amir of that nation is arrogant; he walks towards the people's deviation. We will not accept Sa'd Sahib till he receives Dar ul Ulum Deoband.

Sa'd is not reason to us, but rather Deoband reason. And keep on doing the work of Dawat Tabligh. If someone asks you about Saad, then you will say, if we say something about it, it will become ghibat, these are the subjects of elders. Avoid it. '

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