Monday, September 11, 2017

Let us know Islam ||| Regarding bridal and birth control

Ashiqur Rahman Muhammad questioned, Boalia, Rajshahi.

The question
(A) During intercourse husband or wife will be able to use each other's genitals or mouth kiss? If it is not permissible, however, none of this works without error or excitement, then what is he to do? 
(B) a new couple in occupational problems (such as students or employment due to the isolated location) or the first child to receive a newly-married life Enjoy wants to prolong the period (3-5 years), as a method of birth control if they are in this situation pills can use? 


(A) the creation of man in the organism. His speech, civility and excellence in every field of life conduct is essential. The description of your prasnokta animals are found in the West, which is a bad habit. People who like animals, bad habits are carried out by people with intellectual impossible to recover. Should think that the face of the darkness recite the remembrance of Allah and reciting the prayer, how his face could be used for the poor? So this kind of mess, devoid of taste is not permissible in law, cum makaruhe taharimi and sin. Therefore, it is essential to avoid. However, if a woman takes the excitement without penis in her mouth, then he will be ksamaganya. But the habit of being taharimi makaruhe.(Phatoyaye Alamgiri -5 / 372, ahsanula fataawaa -8 / 45, phatoyaye mahamudiyyaha 29/14, phataoyaye rahimiyya 10/178, Jamiul fataawaa -3 / 234).
(B)According to the rules of Islamic law, family planning, birth control methods ONE 'taking no account is permissible. And there is a strict ban on the Quran and the Hadith. However, a particular illness, pregnancy, or breast milk due to the risk of death due to a strong storm child's life due to severe risk of temporary birth control methods, etc. for a temporary period of time can be taken on the advice of a physician experienced in the Muslim religious commitment. There is just such a special cause hardship, maintaining physical beauty, or enjoying a new marriage Development to take birth control method is permissible in any case; Fully prohibited. So prasnollikhita problem, according to the Professional Development enjoying married life prolonged period preceding the adoption of the first child to take birth control method will not be valid.(-31 Isra sura, sura An'am -151, Bukhari Sharif II / 759, Muslim Sharif -1 / 466, abudauda -1 / 295, 2542, phataoyaye hindiyyaha -5 / 357, raddula muhatara -4 / 336, phataoyaye mahamudiyya 27/358, jaoyahirula phikbah -8 / 297).

Has resolved
Islamic Law and the research department
of Al-Jamiatul ahliya Darul Uloom muinula Islam, Hathazari, Chittagong.

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