Monday, September 11, 2017

Let us know Islam ||| About Raful Yadain

Questioned Mr. Mohammad Muktar Hossain, Shailkupa, jhenaidaha.


The Prophet different traditions, we know that, in prayer to Raful Yadain. But the Abu Hanifa (RA.) Let's follow his Raful Yadain. In fact, we Prophet 
  to accept that, not Abu Hanifa (rah.) And succumb to? Unlike what we have set as a team to get saved? And you claim to the Ahle Hadith wal Jama'ah Raful Yadain What if you do? More confusion when we could escape.


This is an introduction before the main resolving need to say a few words. Improve the life of a Muslim, the religion of progress and success depends on the pace. The commandments of God and the religion of the Prophet 
  and his Sunnah. Quran, Hadith ONE 'consensus Din al Qiyas combination. It should be recalled that, we have to understand the Quran and Hadith muhtaja. Hadith proper understanding of the words and actions of the Companions Muhtaj.No matter if you understand the problems tabiinera companions will have to focus on. Keramake companions since they were directly.And tabiina, Tabe tabeinera leading Muslim scholars in the school.In the Imams Abu Hanifah (rah.) Ranks and status of the unanimity of the first order. Thus, any interpretation of the Quran and Hadith of Imam Abu Hanifah priority.

If the Qur'an practice / subject can be found, contrary to the practice of the Prophet taoyatura sources 
  As evidenced by, but no one can say that, on the virtues of the Quran and Hadith opposed. For example, this verse may be abrogated. Similarly, the Prophet   Because both can be pure. The main thing is contrary to the problem described in the next four Imams viewpoint of the Quran, hadith, consensus, al Qiyas of the community has been organized for relaxation. Therefore, the Imams is not a new law. Heed to them, I admit to the Qur'an and Hadith. For example, the Quran, Hadith and they understand its meaning and essence has been clear in front of us. And if you do not talk to their holy books are not considered. For example, in this period there is no man, and all of the holy books out Matters, Mutual compatibility between the provisions of the disputed hadith and the verses that you can practice. Moreover, this period can memorize the authority of tradition, is rare to find such a person. Millions of school traditions of the Imams could have memorized authority.

However, the answer is now going up. Iyadainera raphaye mainly from the era of the Companions disputed, but it was not until the prayer is over, but with a good final. Companions period raphaye iyadaina companions and companions were not used. However, they did not feel bad each other. But the people behind their desires, have hated each other. Cracks and creates conflict among each other.

The excesses of the issue, and those who do not iyadaina raphaye, those objections and criticism, and the criticism is tantamount to condemning sahabiderai targeted effect. For example, in the period of the Companions. Needless to say, the class of people astray from the path of principle and companions.

Now we will prove that in the light of Hadith, bowed at the time, wake up time, and the 3rd rakat raphaye iyadaina is not acceptable.The policy was so salihinera companions and salaphe. So other than making time iyadaina raphaye not want to. Hanafi mayahabera mukallidaganera which must be followed. And they will not follow another viewpoint.

First dalilah 

Prophet   of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud namayah ONE '(rayi.) I bring you what the Prophet . I pray the prayer not like? He prayed the prayer at the beginning and just gave raphaye iyadaina. (Jami 'Tirmidhi 1/59) . This hadith indicates that the Prophet   is just the beginning of the prayer was iyadaina raphaye. Then he did not.

Second dalilah 

Narrated About Raful Yadain Jabir ibn Samura(rayi.), one day the Prophet   to us, came in and said, 'ONE' What I see is to withdraw your hands, raise it above the outsize tail like a horse. You will remain constant in prayer. (Sahih Muslim, 1/181)

Third dalilah 
Umar (rayi.) Of the amalah Aswad (rah.) Reported. He said, I am ONE 'Umar (rayi.) Who saw. He just did Raful Yadain first takbir, then did not. Imam Tahavi (rah.) Said that Umar (rayi.) And at the time of the Companions (rayi.), Not to be opposed to any evidence of that, this is the correct method and system for anybody should be opposed. 

Fourth dalilah
Hazrat Ali (rayi.) The Prophet A'mal Asim bin kulaiba (rah.) Narrated from his father, ONE 'Ali (rayi.) In the first Takbeer prayer and raised his hands, then raised his hands and did not. Thus, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (rayi.), Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (rayi.) This has been the practice, including the Khulaphaye Caliphs, which is not being mentioned sthanabhabe. Fifth dalilah companions karmadharah Imam Tirmidhi (rah.), The ONE 'Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (rayi.) Of ( Raful Yadain not related ) and Ahl-Hadith Hasan passed the knowledge, companions, tabiina used in this opinion. Imam Sufyan Thawri (rah.) And kuphabasi jurists gave the fataawaa. (Jami 'Tirmidhi 1/59 pages). Sixth dalilah Abraham Nakha'i (rah.), The ONE 'prayer at the beginning of the Raful Yadain not elsewhere.
(Jamiul masanida -1 / 435, makatabaye hanaphiyya).

There is also more evidence. However, not to mention the fear of being long. In light of the above evidence, it is clearly established that, other than the place of prayer can not be Raful Yadain. This is the Hadith which Imam Abu hanipharao statements. And you have to learn about the traditions Raful Yadain, traditions, mainly early days of Islam. We have presented the traditions, the next and powerful. Huzur  which and companions other than the last period of time in prayer, not Raful Yadain is proven.

Fiqh in the Scriptures also written traditions were different. For example, Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Yusuf jamaluddina nachabura Raya book Allama yailai Hanafi (rah.) This chapter discussing prayer. Here are few to mention Answer

(A) Al-Bukhari and Muslim Sharif Ibn Umar (rayi.) This is the tradition that Raful Yadain, the opposite is described in the tradition of his era. There is also the tradition manachukha. 

(B)Bukhari hadith narrated by Imam Muhammad ibn 'Amr ibn Ata Tahavi (rah.) Sarahula Athar raised objections to the book. 

(C)Muslim narrated in the tradition of the disputed Wael bin Hajar. For example, contrary to the hadith of Ibn Mas'ud. But Ibn Mas'ud (rayi.) Wael (rayi.) I know more than suhabataprapta and the Prophet.Thus, the hadith is the answer. (Nachabura Raya -1 / 407417 page).

Solved: Islamic Law and Research Department 
Al-Jamiatul Ahlia Darul Ulum Mueenul Islam, 
Hathazari, Chittagong.

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